Ved å krysse av på booking-betingelser i vår online booking-kalender, godkjenner du følgende betingelser:
Online booking er bindende fra du får bookingbekreftelse på e-post. Betaling skjer ved at du får tilsendt en faktura på epost.
Den som bestiller oppholdet, må være over 20 år. Vedkommende er ansvarlig for lavvoen (eller lavvoene dersom det leies flere) og området rundt lavvoen(e). Vedkommende er også ansvarlig for å bidra til å holde fellesområdet (kjøkken, tømmerstue og trelavvoen) i orden under oppholdet.
Familier med barn må leie hele området (se informasjon under booking).
Avbestilling gjøres på e-post: eller til Grete på telefon 46 61 51 58.
Dette gjelder både ved leie av lavvoene og ved leie av området i forbindelse med arrangementer.
Dere kan sjekke inn fra kl. 15.00 ankomstdag og sjekke ut senest kl. 12.00 avreisedag.
Tidligere innsjekk må eventuelt avtales dagen før oppholdet. Senere utsjekk kan eventuelt avtales i løpet av oppholdet.
Leietaker plikter å lese og følge bruksreglene som er satt opp for lavvoene, området rundt og fellesområdet. Disse vil ligge i lavvoen. Se også oppslag på kjøkkenet. Gjestene må forlate lavvoen og området rundt i den stand den var ved ankomst. Rengjøring av lavvoen er inkludert i leieprisen.
By checking the booking conditions in our online booking calender, you accept the following conditions:
Online booking is binding from the time you receive the booking confirmation by e-mail. You will receive an invoice by e-mail to pay.
The person booking the stay must be over 20 years old. This person is responsible for the lavvu (or lavvus if more than one are rented) and the area around the lavvu (s). This person is also responsible for helping to keep the common area (kitchen, log cabin and wooden lavvu) in order during the stay. Families with children must rent the entire area (see booking information).
Cancellation is made by e-mail: or to Grete on telephone +47 46 61 51 58.
These cancellation rules apply both when renting the lavvus and when renting the area in connection with events.
You can check in from 15.00 on arrival day and check out no later than 12.00 on the day of departure.
Earlier check-in may need to be arranged the day before the stay. Later check-out may be arranged during your stay.
Guests are obliged to read and follow the rules of use that have been set up for the lavvus, the surrounding area and the common area. You will find the rules in the lavvu. See also notices in the kitchen. Guests must leave the lavvu and the surrounding area in the condition it was upon arrival. Cleaning is included in the rental price.
This privacy policy applies to
Camp Flakksvann AS, organization number 926048449, is responsible for the processing of your personal data, according to the rules in GDPR (EU’s new data protection law).
We process both personally identifiable information and non-personally identifiable information about you. Personally identifiable information is information that identifies you as an individual. Non-personally identifiable information is information and other information that does not reveal your personal identity.
We collect and process the following information: ·
Camp Flakksvann collects and processes unidentified information about visitors to We use common internet technologies, including Google Analytics, to gather information about users. In this way, we can always facilitate the best possible functionality and further develop the information offered on the website. This information is retrieved from the computer’s browser and may include IP address, operating system, browser software, screen resolution and sender website.
«Cookies» are small cookies (text files) that the website asks your browser to store on your computer or mobile device. This allows the website to remember your actions or preferences over time. Camp Flakksvann uses the following cookies:
Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You can always choose not to accept a cookie by changing your computer settings to reject a «cookie» or to accept a «cookie», but this may limit the range of features available. The setting is to be understood as a consent if it is such that the user expresses acceptance of the use of cookies. This also applies if the browser is preset for acceptance.
If you do not want Camp Flakksvann to collect anonymous data from you, you can opt out of this collection on Google Analytics or by changing the security settings on your computer. Read more about reservation against Google Analytics registration.
Everyone who asks has the right to basic information about the processing of personal data in a company. Camp Flakksvann has provided this information in this statement and will refer to it in any inquiries.
Phone +47 466 15 158
Camp Flakksvann AS
Flakk 113 4760 Birkeland, Norway
Last updated: 12.12.2021
Camp Flakksvann tilbyr en annerledes ferieopplevelse i rustikk friluftscamp med luksuriøs overnatting i tre lavvoer. Campen ligger i naturskjønne omgivelser ved nydelige Flakksvann i Birkenes kommune. Tovdalselva og Digeelva, med flotte fosser og stryk og med mulighet for laksefiske, omkranser campen.
2024 © Camp Flakksvann | Webdesign CC BERLI